Folding Feline Lounge

Folding Feline Lounge

Evolving Feline Enrichment

Fall 2021

Problem Statement

Cats have innately destructive behaviors and there is a saturation of poorly designed solutions to redirect their attention. The variability in cat behavior calls for the need to address customizability with personal habits and routines. Through developing a multi-functional home product, we aim to address need for indoor-feline enrichment with increased aesthetic and functional value for longer playtimes.


  • Improve indoor cat enrichment

  • Renew cat interest in play items

  • Encourage longer playtimes

  • Collapsable design for portability and storage

  • Organic materials considerate of product life cycle

  • Improved aesthetics


The Folding Feline Lounge is designed to adapt to the evolving needs of its users. Given that cats quickly become accustomed to toys, this product offers a wide range of play options. The flexible design allows for the folding of the flat surface, creating engaging environments for feline exploration. Once playtime is over, the product can be conveniently folded and stored until the next session.


The arrangement of the folds was determined through paper form modeling. After experimenting with various configurations, the folded paper with the most versatility became the foundation for the final design. These origami-like explorations informed us on how to manipulate a flat surface into a structural form.

In our research, we also focused on identifying materials that align with the lifecycle of cat toys. Considering that cats tend to lose interest in toys quickly, our product is designed to sustain their engagement and minimize waste. We explored options like used conveyor belts and astroturf to close the waste cycle, but ultimately found them to be more hazardous than effective.

Sustainable Material Exploration



Sisal Patches

Organic Felt


Organic Felt